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Ready meals
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Food service

Vegetables tartare & Tomato waffle




40 min

4 servings


50 g CIRIO Pelati
 (+ 30 g of their sauce)
800 g CIRIO Ceci
200 g rice flour
400 g cauliflower
(3 cauliflowers in different colours)


10 g dry yeast
2 oranges
Extra virgin olive oil

  1. In a bowl pour the rice flour, dried yeast, tomato pelati and the sauce.
  2. Knead adding water slowly, until a solid mixture is obtained.
  3. Spread the dough with a rolling pin onto two sheets of baking paper aiming to obtain sheets a few centimetre-long.
  4. Use a cup to make some discs and put them on a plate, cover them with a cloth and leave them aside for 20 minutes.
  5. Turn on the oven and cook at 160° C for 10 minutes.
  6. With a sharp knife chop the chickpeas, drained earlier and the cauliflower.
  7. Peel the orange and remove the white skins and the inner skin.
  8. Cut the peeled plum tomatoes into small segments.
  9. Take all the ingredients chopped earlier with knife and put them in a bowl. Season with oil, salt and pepper and serve on plate

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