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Privacy Policy



The (EU) General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") and the Legislative Decree n. 196 of 30 June 2003, ("Personal Data Protection Code") are intended to ensure that the processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the rights, fundamental freedoms and dignity of individuals, with particular reference to confidentiality and personal identity.


This page describes how the website www.cirio1856.com (hereinafter shortly referred to as the "Website") is managed in regard to the processing of personal data of individuals who visit it or interact with its services and features (hereinafter also referred to as "Users").

CONSERVE ITALIA soc. coop. agricola (hereinafter the "Company") as the "Data Controller", pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of the (EU) Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR") and the relevant compliance legislation, is required to provide information, included in this form, to Users who happen to browse through the Website or access the web-based services offered by the Website.

Specific information may be reported or displayed on the pages of the Website in regard to specific requests, products and services supplied on demand.

This Policy applies only to the Website and not to other websites that may be reached by the User through links accessible from the Website.

Personal Data Controller

The data controller is the Company CONSERVE ITALIA soc. coop. agricola, with registered office in 40068 - San Lazzaro di Savena (Bologna), Via Paolo Poggi, n. 11, Italy, tax code and registration number in the Register of Companies of the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna 02858450584, VAT number 00708311204, REA (Economic and Administrative Index) number BO-260769.

Data Processing Manager

The personal data processing manager for navigation data only is KINA S.r.l., with registered office in 36100 - Vicenza (VI), Via Contrà Vittorio Veneto, n. 7, tax code, VAT number and registration number in the Register of Companies of the Vicenza Chamber of Commerce 03593280245, REA (Economic and Administrative Index) number VI-337536, e-mail [email protected], P.E.C. (certified e-mail) [email protected].

Personal data source

Visits to this website may result in data relating to identified or identifiable persons being processed. 

In addition to what is specified below in regard to navigation data, the personal data of the Users of the Website are freely submitted, and therefore collected by the Company, directly from the Users, when they access and browse through the Website or when they fill in the special electronic inquiry forms, in the sections of the Website set up to accept special requests and/or services on demand.

In any case, all personal data are collected and processed in compliance with the currently applicable legislation and the confidentiality obligations provided for by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 "GDPR", the relevant compliance legislation and the Personal Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree No. 196/2003).

Categories of Personal Data processed

Navigation data

The IT systems and software procedures used to operate this website will automatically capture, during their normal operation, some personal data the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected to be associated with identified entities, but by its very nature, it could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow Users to be identified.

In particular, by accessing the Website, the User acknowledges the acquisition, by the Company's systems, of the User's Internet Protocol (IP) address, of the domain names of the computers used by Users to visit the Website, and other data relating to: the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the website's web server, the size of the file obtained in response from the web server, the numerical code indicating the state of the response from the web server, a generic geographical position as indicated by the IP address and other parameters concerning the operating system and the IT environment of the User, the transmission of which is inherently linked to the regular and correct functioning of the Internet and the Website.

Data supplied voluntarily by the User

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending by the User of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this Website or the use by the User of reserved access areas and the filling in of web forms, imply the subsequent acquisition and processing by the Company of the User's personal data necessary to carry out pre-contractual activities and subsequently establish and carry into effect a contract, to respond to inquiries and/or to supply the requested service, as well as the acquisition of any other personal data entered.

In particular, by accessing the Website, the User acknowledges that the Company may acquire and then process the following personal data: personal data (e.g. name, surname, province/state, country etc.); contact information (e.g. telephone numbers, e-mail addresses); company information (e.g. company name, position).

Purpose and legal basis of the processing of personal data - Submission of personal data and refusal to submit personal data

Navigation data

The automatic navigation data cannot be immediately linked to any personal profile but are collected and used by the Company for the sole purpose of pursuing its legitimate interest i.e. allowing the User to use the contents published on the Website and guarantee the correct and legal operation and management of the Website and of the services offered and to protect or guarantee suitable access policies to confidential content, as well as to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Website and the relevant requests and services on offer.

The data could be used to attribute liabilities in the event of possible computer crimes involving the Website or other sites connected or associated to it and may only be disclosed following a request from the Judicial Authority by the terms of the law.

Data supplied voluntarily by the User

The personal data submitted by Users may be processed for purposes directly related to requirements regarding pre-contractual activities and consequently to establish and carry into effect a contract, respond to inquiries and supply the requested service, to fulfil legal obligations (fulfilment of the obligations as established by currently applicable legislation, or by provisions issued by Authorities and by supervisory and control bodies or by Judiciary entities) or to pursue a legitimate interest (Website security control services to prevent fraud and IT crimes against the Company or third parties, and to implement and improve the quality of Website IT services.) These requirements constitute the legal basis that legitimises data processing. The submission of data for the above purposes is, on a case by case basis, a contractual obligation or a legal obligation; failing such submission of data, the Company might be unable to perform pre-contractual activities and consequently establish and carry into effect a contract, respond to inquiries or supply the requested service. Therefore, when such data are submitted, they may subsequently be processed without the Users' consent.

Personal data processing methods

In relation to the aforementioned purposes, the processing of personal data is carried out both in a non-automated manner, through the use of manual (paper) media, and in an automated manner, with electronic, IT and telematic tools, according to organizational and processing logics strictly linked to the data processing purposes, and, in any case, with means suitable for guaranteeing the security, physical integrity and confidentiality of the data, as well as preventing data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorised access.

According to the above mentioned regulations, any processing must be based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness and transparency and protection of the privacy and rights of the Users.

Data processing venue

Processing is carried out directly by the Company organization, at the Company's registered office, and by the Personal Data Processing Manager, at the registered office and the data centres where the hosting servers reside (France), exclusively by appointed and specially trained personnel, duly authorized to perform these tasks, constantly identified, appropriately trained and made aware of the constraints imposed by current legislation, at the headquarters of the Company and/or at the individual operating units of either the Company and/or the Personal data processing manager, by adopting the most suitable security measures in the current situation.

Personal data communication

The personal data of the Users, held by the Company, may be communicated, in Italy and in the European Union, in fulfilment of the obligations provided for by law or by the contract and/or within the scope of responding to inquiries and requests and supplying the requested services, to the following subjects or categories of subjects: service providers, hosting companies, distributors of Company products.

The personal data of the Users, held by the Company, may also be communicated, in Italy, to operators in charge of the management or maintenance of electronic, IT and telematic tools.

The personal data of the Users, held by the Company, may finally be communicated, in Italy, to the competent Authorities or to other external parties wherever communication is required or provided for by applicable laws or regulations.

The Users' personal data, held by the Company, may be disclosed to the following persons in charge of data processing: employees of the Company, in particular the Company's commercial/marketing and international communication department.

Dissemination of personal data and transfer of personal data to third countries

No dissemination of Users' personal data is expected.

The Company informs that personal data may be transferred, for the purpose of signing or carrying into effect a contract or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures, also to third countries, i.e. to countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area (so-called Third Countries), acknowledged by the European Commission as having an adequate level of protection of personal data or, otherwise, only if an adequate level of protection of personal data comparable to that of the European Union is contractually guaranteed by subjects located in a Third Country (e.g. through the signing of the standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission) and providing that the exercise of the rights of the data subjects is always guaranteed.

Personal data retention time

Navigation data

Without prejudice to the possibility for the Judicial Authority to use the data to attribute responsibilities in the event of computer crimes against the Website or other sites connected or associated to it, the navigation data are deleted immediately after their statistical processing and, in any case, may only be retained for no more than 2 (two) years.

Data supplied voluntarily by the User

The Users' personal data are processed for the time necessary to fulfil the aforementioned purposes. The Company therefore retains personal data for the entire duration of the contractual relationship, to respond to requests, carry out the requested performance or supply of service, fulfil any related and consequent obligations, comply with legal and regulatory requirements that may be applicable, as well as for defensive purposes for itself and for third parties and until the expiry of statutory limitation periods, starting from the date of termination of the supply of service.

At the end of the applicable retention period, the Users' personal data will be deleted or stored in a form that does not allow identification of the data subject (e.g. irreversible anonymization), unless their further processing is necessary for one or more of the following purposes: i) settlement of pre-litigation and litigation procedures initiated before the end of the retention period; ii) to follow up on investigations/inspections by internal supervisory bodies and/or external authorities initiated before the end of the retention period; iii) to follow up on requests from public authorities received/notified to the Company before the end of the retention period.

Rights of the data subject

Article 13, paragraph 2, letters (b) and (d), as well as articles 15 to 21 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 "GDPR" grant the data subject the right to exercise the following specific rights in relation to the processing of personal data:

  1. request access to personal data concerning them and obtain a copy thereof (article 15);
  2. obtain the correction of inaccurate personal data concerning them (article 16);
  3. request the deletion of personal data concerning them (article 17);
  4. obtain the restriction of the processing of personal data concerning them (article 18);
  5. receive personal data concerning them in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, for the purpose of exercising the right to data portability (Article 20);
  6. object to the processing of personal data concerning them (article 21).

If data processing is based on consent, the data subject has the right to withdraw it at any time.

Exercise of rights

Users may exercise the rights mentioned in the point here above by contacting KINA S.r.l., with registered office in 36100 - Vicenza (VI), Via Contrà Vittorio Veneto, n. 7, tax code, VAT number and registration number in the Register of Companies of the Vicenza Chamber of Commerce 03593280245, R.E.A. (Economic and Administrative Index) number VI-337536, tel. +39 333 6386163, e- mail [email protected], PEC (certified e-mail) [email protected].

Complaints and reports to the Data Protection Authority

The data subject is always entitled to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (the contacts of the Data Protection Authority, as well as the procedure to be followed, can be checked on the website www.garanteprivacy.it ), or alternatively by appealing to the Judicial Authority.

Versions of the privacy policy

This document constitutes the "Privacy Policy" of the Website of Cirio 1856 and will be subject to updates and/or changes (but all the different versions thereof will be made available if necessary).

Latest update: 29/11/2021

© 2022 Conserve Italia Soc. coop. agricola - Sede Legale: via Paolo Poggi 11 - 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) - C.F. 02858450584 - P.I. 00708311204 - Num. Iscr. Registro imprese di Bologna : 02858450584 - Credits